About Us
Pictured above are the first owners of Maebob's Diner, Mary Chambers and Barbara Ann Parker. Many people always ask about how Maebob's got its name. Mary and Barbara Ann were always close friends and grew up together and have always visioned of owning a restaurant. The two finally came together and used their nicknames in which they called each other in their younger days, "Mae" for Mary, and "Bob" for Barbara. After finally coming up with a name for the restaurant, Lindsey Parker, Barbara Ann's husband, and Barbara Ann finally purchased the small corner property that was recently a service station. After thinking up ideas for a small diner that would fix short orders, and contain nothing but a few counter stools and booths, they finally went to the bank and was told that a restaurant would never "do" in Irwinton. Barbara Ann and Mary still had their mind set on owning a restaurant and went to another bank and that bank loaned them the money to renovate the service station into a small diner that would soon be located in the Heart of Irwinton, Georgia and be the local hot-spot for the county.

Mary Chambers and Barbara Ann Parker